Santa Cruz High PTA

Parent Support Makes Better Schools
Fondo de donaciones anuales de la PTA de Santa Cruz High

During the 2024/25 school year, the Santa Cruz High School PTA is committed to contributing more than $30,000 toward programs, services, and supplies for our students and staff. The Giving Drive is an opportunity for you, your family, friends, or work to help support our school without requiring any of your time. In previous years, the SCHS PTA funded:

Your donations are critical in ensuring that we can continue to support our staff and students.  Your support of $100 per child fully funds the PTA programs for an entire school year. Additional funds are appreciated for those families that cannot donate. This year's pledge drive runs from February 1-28, 2025. Please help us meet our goal of $20,000!

Mail Checks to:
415 Walnut Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Santa Cruz High PTA is a registered non-profit. Your gift is tax-deductible. Our tax ID number is 94-6174400. DAF holders are invited to visit

Volunteers Needed!

We are also grateful for all monetary donations large and small. You can make a one-time donation or set up monthly donations.

Upcoming Meetings

Ways To Help Support the PTA & SCHS


The Santa Cruz High PTA's mission is to provide support to all organizations on campus: students, clubs, school beautification, teacher appreciation, and more with our time, talents, and financial contributions.


To request special funds for a SCHS event, activity or project please print and fill out this form. Email completed form to at least seven days before the next PTA meeting, which is the 2nd Monday of each month.


Parent support makes better schools; you can make a difference at SCHS. Consider all the programs and events organized or funded by the PTA...Grad Night, Teacher and Staff Appreciation Events, College Scholarships. We make all this happen with donations.